"Savia," a Powerful Theater Play about the Amazonian Rubber Boom and Genocide
Written by Luis Alberto Leon and directed by Chela De Ferrari, Savia centers on Don Jesus, a character based on Julio Cesar Arana, the "king of rubber" and main responsible for the genocide that took the lives of nearly forty thousand indigenous peoples in the Putumayo region. Sick and maddened by his supremacist delirium of grandeur, Don Jesus is confronted by three indigenous women who arrive to reclaim their heads.
CAVP collaborated with Teatro La Plaza sharing our experience and knowledge of the topic.
Yrapakatun's New Website
The Yrapakatun cultural association is devoted to rejuvenating the Kukama Kukamiria indigenous culture and language in the Amazonian community of Santo Tomás, in Iquitos, Peru. Their proposal is exemplary due to their strong dedication to recovering knowledges and memories, their immersive learning method, and their capacity to value and celebrate their ancestral culture. Yrapakatun is directed by Pablo Taricuarima.
CAVP collaborated with Yrapakatun by curating and sponsoring their new website.

Virtual Gallery by Brus Rubio Churay
Brus Rubio is one of the foremost Peruvian Amazonian artists. His paintings are inspired in his Huitoto and Bora cultural legacy, its memory and mythology, as well as in his intercultural experiences in Lima, Paris, Washington, La Habana, and other international spaces that Brus has “Amazonized” by means of his brush and his exquisite mythopoetic imagination. This new website includes a complete portfolio of the' impressive pictorial work Brus has created during the last ten years.
CAVP collaborated with Brus by curating and sponsoring this outstanding virtual gallery.
Building of Murui Maloca
Rubén Medina, Director of Curuinsi
Thirty years after the last maloca, or ritual communal house, was destroyed in San Antonio del Estrecho (Loreto, Peru) the indigenous leader and activist Ruben Medina has dedicated himself to building a new maloca. It will serve to house Murui elder wise men and women, local youths and children, and develop a series of training programs aimed at recovering their ancestral culture, their language, and their dignity.
CAVP collaborated with the maloca project, which will be inaugurated soon.

SPIRALÂ: 30 Commemorative Actions
In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Íntegro, the leading art group that pioneered interdisciplinary art interventions in Peru, presented Spirală, a “spiraling return” to their complete œuvre: playwrights, performances, choreographies, video art, and music ensembles that elaborate on their core themes: social identity and interculturalism, mythic and ritual horizons, contemporary hybridities, Peruvian narrative and poetry.
CAVP collaborated with Íntegro in the preparation of their montage, which ran August 19 through 22, 2016, in Lima, Peru.
Yrapakatun 2016 Festival
The Yrapakatun festival is celebrated annually in the Amazonian community of Santo Tomas, (Iquitos, Peru) with the goal of conducting art activities that promote Kukama Kukamiria language and traditions among local youths and children. Their artistic program includes painting, theater, pottery, music, dance, and gastronomical and handcraft fairs.
CAVP collaborated with Yrapakatun's president, Pablo Taricuarima, in the development of the festival (July 27 to 31, 2016).

Publication of the Book "Cine Andino"
This book, edited by Julio Noriega and Javier Morales, offers an excellent collection of essays that examine the role of film in Andean culture, including its various genres and sub-genres such as ethnographic documentaries, ecocine/ecofilms, melodramas, horror movies and films about political violence in Andean society.
CAVP collaborated with Pakarina Ediciones in the publication of the book, released on December 14, 2015.
Visual Ethnography Workshop
“Feeling with the mind/thinking with the body: Ethnographic recording as integrated experience”
A theoretical-practical workshop that combined the presentation, viewing and discussion of ethnographic media with simultaneous recording, in-camera editing, re-viewing and overall reflection about the experience.
Given by Wilton Martínez as part of the V Cinesuyu Festival that took place in Cusco, Peru, November 11 to 15, 2015.